Well...I did something on Sunday morning that I've been wanting to do for a VERY long time, but have been putting it off because it is way, completely, out of my comfort zone, which is often the case when you are doing something for God...
I was baptized by my father in law on Sunday morning. I was baptized when I was around 5 (the Lutheran sprinkle kind) because my mom just thought it was the right thing to do...it wasn't a choice of mine, or an "outward profession of inward faith" as it needs to be. I accepted Christ when I was 11 and began a journey that has definitely had it's ups and downs, times of great growth, and times of stagnation. This year I've REALLY been praying for a year of growth. I feel like it's time for me to "step it up" and really get to know God. Becoming a junior high youth leader, and joining Bible Study Fellowship were definitely two things that were working towards this goal. Being baptized was a third. I know that Jesus commands us to follow his example and announce publicly that we are followers of him, but it was just so scary and uncomfortable to me that I kept putting it off. I knew that we were coming to Northern California to visit, and knew that John did baptisms, so thought I would ask...(I was honestly hoping he would say no...), but conveniently, he said yes. = ) So I did it. Took the "plunge", literally. = ) I feel it was an important step for me doing something uncomfortable, but something also that God commands. I know that God will reward my obedience. It was cool to do it in front of my family, so now...the "old" is washed away...