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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Counting Down... = )

Well, I am now almost 38 weeks...I'm huge and definitely ready to have a baby!!! We have been trying to soak up all the "alone time" we are having with Abbie before she is not the center of the world anymore. I know she will adjust just fine, but it will be a little sad not having just her to concentrate on. I've scheduled an induction date at 6 am on March 4th. So the longest I can go from today will be 2 weeks, although obviously I'm really hoping to go into labor before then! I'm already dilated to 2 cm, so we'll see what next week's appointment will tell... We are all ready and waiting! I've had some contractions, but nothing consistent. My water broke last time, and we went right in, so I'm not used to timing contractions. It was way easier to have my water break! We'll see!

In other news... Abbie has been talking a lot more. I'm so proud of her!! She is so much fun! The things she comes up with totally cracks me up...We've been trying to teach her how to say Brady, but she can't quite get the R sound down. Oh well. Her new favorite movie is Finding Nemo. She loves all the fish and colors, and I swear she knows the plot line. We finished putting up chair rail and painting her big girl room, and it looks so adorable. I will be sure to post pictures of that as soon as I remember to actually take a picture! These pictures are of her and her friend Eli (who she phonetically calls "Eye-li) coloring together on Color Wonder paper (which is the best invention EVER). They were sharing the paint brushes and "talking" in their own 2 year old language. She's kind of obsessed with him, she's even woken up in the morning a few mornings and called for him! So funny! Well, obviously we will keep everyone updated...

1 comment:

  1. Can't you jump up and down to break your water? I'm rooting for you!
