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Saturday, November 29, 2008


We had a great Thanksgiving Day! I even cooked a Turkey for the first time. It actually turned out decent! Abbie tried the stuffing and the cranberries. Not such a fan apparently. She did LOVE playing with the Rummy Kub tiles and messing up Nate and Amy's game. The next day Ryan and Anna came over for lunch, and it was great to see them. Abbie even learned how to say "Ry-Ry" for the occasion. (Sounded more like Wy-Wy) super cute. I'm excited that Thanksgiving is over because now it's officialy Christmas season!! YEAY! We had to put Abbie in her green Christmas dress to take a family picture. She loved it, and didn't want to take it off. The pictures of her in the red sweater (with the sucker and the blue mouth after the sucker) were from a Thanksgiving party we went to. I had to take pictures because I put her hair in a pony tail and she looked so OLD, but so cute. I might not do that for a while though.... = ) Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and has a great holiday season!!


  1. Oh my goodness...Abigail looks so old in the pictures with her hair pulled back! She is becoming a little lady:) Loved seeing all the new pictures.

  2. PS Way to go on the turkey...looks like you did a good job!

  3. Super cute green Christmas dress...aren't you so happy to have family so close??? sometimes??? Abbie does look older, she will seem SO BIG when Brady is an instant change!
    P.S. How do I get on the Heather's Blog, tell her to let me in!

  4. Way cute. Our boy is Due Feb.3rd. Blessing on you and yours! Dave
