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Saturday, June 23, 2007


The solids have begun! We gave Munch some rice cereal mixed with formula. She like it! She basically liked to chew on the spoon too, I think she's teething. She got about 1/2 a tablespoon of cereal in her... if it even got IN her, most if it was on her face and bib! Oh well, mommy had a good time putting together the high chair and watching Abbie's facial expressions. So cute! She's also laughing now occassionally. She had done it about 5 times. Something different has caused it every time, and each time we try to repeat it, she won't laugh again. Oh well, it's basically the cutest noise in the whole world!


  1. ok, that did not just happen. I wrote a huge long comment and then it disappeared. DANG! Well, basically I said I LOVE your hair, Abbie is too super cute and T does the same thing in his high chair... leans way over :) He laughs SO much and it's too funny but still not rollin' over like your little bundle. When are you coming to visit? Gimme a call or email sometime soon! We should go running together when you come!

  2. Hello again :) Sometimes I'll give him some milk first and then the cereal/veggie/fruit and then some after. Other times I'll just start the food first and then give him sips of milk (via bottle) during the meal and then finish as much of the bottle after the solids are done. He's really not been finishing bottles now that we've started solids, so yesterday I tried doing a 4 hr routine (7, 11, 3, 7). But, That's when I offer bottles. I give him solids at the 7 & 11 and then again at a more 'normal' dinner time around 5 or 5:30. With the 5/5:30 meal I offer a bottle and he only took 3 or 4 oz, so I'm just gonna offer that. Also, I found he eats best when I offer the least sweet food first and then go from there. So if he's having green beans and cereal for lunch, I give him the beans first because once he's had the sweet he doesn't want the less/non-sweet. (make sense?) I do this: Breakfast- cereal, Lunch - fruit or veggie & cereal, Dinner - fruit &/or veggie. He's just now taking a full 1st food serving & 2Tbsp of cereal & 4-5oz milk. Up until now he was having 1/2 of a 1st food and 2 tbsp cereal & milk. Sometimes it helps to burp him a bit mid meal to help avoid pukin/big spit-ups :) OK... enough for my novel comment :)
